Get to Know Huey!
Breed: Dutch Warmblood/Thoroughbred
Height: 17 hands | Color: Red Bay

Huey is a large and lovable horse who willingly does all sorts of jobs. In addition to rounding up cattle like he does in The Smallest Horse, Huey knows how to stand quietly while Chrissy is roping cattle from his back. He really loves long-distance rides (called endurance rides) and has gone 50 miles in a single day! Huey is also good at jumping and mounted archery.
Huey Has a Lot of Talents
Just like in The Smallest Horse, Huey and Chrissy are often out checking on cows to make sure the herd is happy and healthy.

Huey Loves Really Long Trail Rides
Endurance rides are long-distance trail rides that require horses and riders to be in very good physical condition.

Does Real Huey Look Like Storybook Huey?
Huey likes meeting new people and will stretch his long nose out to say hello and also to see if they might have any treats for him.